A. Law of the employment relationship

I Working conditions
  • working hours
  • Obligation to work
  • Right to part-time work
  • Right to extension of working hours
  • Partial termination
  • Reference clauses
II Claims from the employment relationship
  • compensation
  • Reimbursement of expenses
  • Partial retirement
  • Non-compete clause
  • Schadensersatz und Haftung
  • Managing director liability
  • Compensation receipt
III Protection against discrimination and promotion of equal opportunities
  • Gender
  • Severe disability
  • Alter
  • Teilzeit
IV Termination of employment relationships
  • Termination agreement
  • Time limit
  • Dissolution in accordance with Section 78a BetrVG
  • Termination
  • severance pay

Collective labor law

Works constitution law
  • Election of the works council
  • Co-determination and participation of the works council
  • Establishment of the group works council
  • Responsibility of the group works council
  • Secondment to the European Works Council