Stephan Steinwachs

Rechtsanwalt und Dozent

The founder of the law firm, born in Freiburg im Breisgau in 1974, comes from a traditional family of lawyers who have been dedicated to law since 1948. Mr. Steinwachs completed his training in Hamburg, Munich, Düsseldorf and Buenos Aires.

The core competencies of Mr. Steinwachs lie in general civil law, in particular labor law and tenancy and real estate law. In order to meet the requirements for comprehensive and cross-disciplinary consulting expertise, Mr. Steinwachs, Attorney at Law, relies on constant training and further education at the highest level. Since Mr. Steinwachs, in addition to managing the law firm, is also the founding partner and managing partner of a real estate management company and a management consulting firm, he is not only very familiar with the legal theory but also the practical implementation of entrepreneurial tasks.

His interdisciplinary expertise enabled Mr. Steinwachs to concentrate on advising specific professional groups with typical problems from different legal areas.

In addition to the areas of activity described above, Mr. Steinwachs has specialized in advising hoteliers and restaurateurs for several years and now represents this professional group in all legal matters throughout Germany. He is now passing on his knowledge and practical experience from his legal work for hoteliers and restaurateurs as part of a lecturer position in the area of ​​event and catering law.

His focus on legal issues surrounding yachting is also due to his love for the subject.

Mr. Attorney Dr. Ulrich has been strengthening our team since March 2022. He completed his studies in Greifswald in 2016, then worked as a lecturer, examiner and expert at his alma mater and during this time he also wrote his doctoral thesis on the topic of the distribution of the burden of proof in medical liability proceedings. He completed his legal clerkship in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania before moving to Hamburg.
Mr. Ulrich’s professional expertise lies primarily in behavioral tactical planning of (out-of-)judicial proceedings as well as civil law claims and damage constellations, particularly in contract and medical liability law. He represents and advises competently on the crucial treatment law casuistry and risk distribution, on the amounts of damages and compensation for pain and suffering and procedural difficulties in order to achieve the optimal result for his clients.

Dr. Oliver Ulrich


Lisa Glenewinkel


Attorney Lisa Glenewinkel worked for us as part of her legal traineeship and has been joining our team as an employed attorney since February 2022. After completing her law studies at the University of Trier, she completed her legal traineeship in the district of the Schleswig-Holstein Higher Regional Court. The focus of her work is advising in the area of ​​general civil law. In addition, Ms. Glenewinkel is primarily responsible for tenancy and real estate law as well as administrative matters in our company. Due to her many years of experience, including as a show jumper up to S level, and her love of equestrian sports, Ms. Glenewinkel also represents her clients highly competently in the area of ​​horse law and offers her clients extensive legal advice with regard to buying or selling horses as well as all other legal matters related to horses problems…

Ms Schröder, lawyer, completed her studies and legal traineeship in Hamburg and Florence. She now has ten years of professional experience in labor, family and inheritance law, and she also looks after mandates in general civil law. She has also successfully completed the specialist lawyer course for labor law. She has been with our office since August Active in 2021.

Friederike Schröder


Paulina Steinwachs

Diplom Juristin

Ms. Steinwachs is a native of Poland and has been working for us since December 2010. She has studied both German and Polish law. Frau Steinwachs obliegt neben der Mandatsbetreuung der Inkassobereich der Kanzlei. Darüber hinaus dolmetscht und übersetzt sie bei Bedarf die Meetings, Konferenzen und Korrespondenz für und mit unserer polnischsprachigen Mandantschaft.

Since May 2011, lawyer Karsten has enriched the team at STEINWACHS law firm. Due to his many years of legal work in all areas of tenancy and real estate law as well as his additional training as a real estate economist (WAK diploma), Mr. Karsten not only had expert legal knowledge but was also very familiar with the economic practice of the real estate business. Through legal advice and contract drafting in all areas of private and commercial rental and real estate business as well as medium-sized companies in trade, crafts and services from their founding, Mr. Karsten had extensive experience in general contract and corporate law practice. Last but not least, his work on the board of a well-known foundation expanded his legal field of activity to include association and foundation law. In addition to these core areas, Mr Karsten supervised the law firm’s traffic law mandates. Unfortunately, our employee, who was valued by clients and colleagues alike, had a fatal accident.

Holger Karsten

> 10000

Satisfied clients

> 4000

Successful legal proceedings

> 1000

Experts in the network

COOPERATIONS with great success rates

Our lawyers also represent you in civil law cases such as divorce, child and spousal support.

Alexander Kirmess

Rechtsanwalt und Fachanwalt für Strafrecht

In correspondence with Attorney Kirmess, the law firm advises and represents clients in criminal matters related to the areas of practice, particularly in white collar criminal law and traffic criminal law.

Tax consultants & specialist lawyers for tax law

The collaboration with the Lüders law firm is particularly aimed at providing joint advice to restaurateurs. The firm’s tax advisors are experienced in advising and supporting all matters relating to this professional group. The Berlin office runs the STEINWACHS law firm with Dr. Lüders, Tarcikowski & Partner GbR in shared office space.

Dr. Lüders

Tarcikowski & Partner GbR

Andrea Danker

Beraterin – Coach – Mediatorin

A special service offered by the law firm is the collaboration with the qualified psychologist Andrea Danker, who specializes in conflicts in the workplace.

Ms. Danker is, among other things, experienced in supporting change processes, especially in cases of compulsory redundancies and in social plan negotiations in commercial companies, advising the negotiating parties on the process in order to implement job cuts in a socially acceptable way for everyone involved, and advising and developing concepts for the implementation of company measures.

Together with Ms. Danker, the STEINWACHS law firm offers sustainable solution strategies for companies to prevent or mitigate typical conflict scenarios in the workplace as well as their out-of-court mediation as part of mediation.

Attorney Hachet is our correspondent lawyer in France. He is a member of a renowned law firm in Bordeaux and is particularly active in the areas of immigration law and family law. Together with Mr. Hachet, we handle cases with cross-border implications. In addition, we have found a trustworthy colleague in lawyer Hachet when it comes to finding foreign professionals (e.g. when purchasing real estate in France).

Nicolas HACHET

RechtsanwaAvocat à la courlt