Hunting law includes all legal regulations relating to hunting. It is primarily to be assigned to public law, but regulations of relevance to hunting law can also be found in civil or criminal law.

The legislature defines the right to hunt as the exclusive power to keep, hunt and appropriate wild animals that are subject to hunting law (game) in a certain area. The right to hunt is associated with the obligation to guard, see § 1 BJagdG.

Hunting law therefore serves in particular to protect species and preserve biodiversity in the wild population. In order to be able to hunt in Germany, a public permit is required, the so-called hunting license. You apply for this at the responsible hunting authority. In addition to being 18 years old, the prerequisite for hunting law is, among other things, passing the hunter’s examination.

Hunting rights are also directly linked to property ownership. On large properties, the right to hunt generally belongs to the property owner (so-called private hunting district). On smaller properties there are community hunting districts (hunting cooperatives).

Zu den wesentlichen Themengebieten im Jagdrecht gehören unter anderem:

  • Hunter test
  • Hunting liability insurance
  • Hunting license
  • Hunting associations
  • Hunting seasons/closed seasons
  • Contract drafting in hunting law, especially Hunting lease agreement
  • Weapons law references in hunting law
  • Game damage
  • Hunting crimes and administrative offenses


Hunting law is regulated primarily in the public federal hunting law and the state hunting laws. There are also a wide variety of regulations in civil law (e.g. §§ 90a, 960 BGB) or in criminal law (e.g. § 292 StGB).

On the following pages we will try to provide you with as much information as possible about the basic principles of hunting law.

We also recommend the following pages on the subject of hunting law: