Nursing law includes all legal regulations that deal with the care of sick or disabled people and the associated legal principles and problems.

Nursing law is closely linked to social law, as a significant part of the provisions in nursing law can be found in the Eleventh Book of the Social Security Code (SGB XI), which deals with statutory nursing care insurance. However, private nursing care insurance also counts as part of nursing law. Nursing law regulates in particular the legal relationships between the insured and the nursing care funds (service providers), as well as the legal relationships between the insured or the nursing care funds and the service providers (e.g. nursing assistance, nursing home).

Anyone who has statutory health insurance is automatically also legally insured under nursing law, see Section 1 II SGB XI. Anyone who has private health insurance is obliged under nursing law to also conclude a private nursing care insurance contract, see Section 23 I 1 SGB XI. Like health insurance, long-term care insurance is compulsory insurance to fully cover the risk of needing care.

According to § 15 SGB In nursing law, this happens on the basis of the reports from the medical service of the health insurance companies. The higher the level, the more in need of care a person is and the more benefits are granted.

Zu den Leistungen im Bereich Pflegerecht gehören unter anderem:

  • Aids (e.g. wheelchair, prostheses)
  • Renovation measures
  • Home care (care aids at home)
  • Partial care (e.g. day and night care)
  • Fully inpatient care (e.g. nursing home)
  • Care allowance (e.g. when cared for by relatives)
  • Combination services


On the following pages we will try to provide you with as much information as possible about the basics of nursing law.

We also recommend the following pages on nursing law: