Labor law is also known as the special right of employees. Labor law was only developed more comprehensively from the 1920s onwards. Since labor law has become complicated even for lawyers due to reforms, changes in the law and countless court decisions, in the event of a dispute you cannot do without assistance from a lawyer who is experienced in labor law. Employees in particular rely on immediate advice from a lawyer, as the employer usually has an advantage in knowledge of labor law and will have already coordinated with his lawyer.

Benefit from the experience of your lawyer in labor law at STEINWACHS in Hamburg and Berlin – especially on the subject of termination.

You can find an explanation of the most common labor law terms in the labor law dictionary provided by attorney Steinwachs.

For the interested reader (and lawyers who do not work in labor law), the labor law section explains the most important standard problems in question and answer form. However, this information cannot replace the advice of a lawyer who specializes in employment law.

The following pages also provide interesting information:

  • Federal Labor Court
  • Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales
  • (Our portal on the subject of labor law)

The lawyers at the STEINWACHS law firm in Hamburg and Berlin who specialize in labor law work in all areas of labor law. Your advice in Hamburg and Berlin will be provided by a lawyer who is experienced and successful in labor law.

You can find everything about labor law on our labor law blog.

Responsible for the content of the page Lawyer Employment Law Hamburg Berlin Bremen: Lawyer Stephan Steinwachs (Lawyer Hamburg Berlin Bremen)