The topic of eBay and law primarily deals with the legal relationships between eBay users and towards eBay.

The online platform eBay is the largest Internet auction house, which raises many questions from a legal perspective.

In the area of eBay and law, the focus is on the legal assessment of an auction and online trading on eBay and the associated rights and obligations of sellers and buyers. The contract concluded between buyer and seller at an eBay auction basically represents a completely normal purchase contract in accordance with Section 433 of the German Civil Code (BGB) in the area of eBay and law. If the seller is an entrepreneur, i.e. a commercial dealer, this is a distance selling transaction in accordance with §§ 312 b ff. BGB, to which special consumer protection regulations apply in the area of eBay and law, such as the right of withdrawal or return.

Legally, a number of different problems arise in the area of eBay and law, i.e. in the area of online auctions and online trading. The rapidly advancing development and the ever-increasing importance of internet trading today raise new legal questions in the area of eBay and law every day.

Gegenstand von Auseinandersetzungen im Bereich eBay und Recht sind beispielsweise folgende Bereiche:,

  • Early auction cancellation
  • Disputing an eBay transaction
  • Right of withdrawal / right of return
  • eBay and terms and conditions
  • Warranty rights for defects
  • eBay and copyright
  • eBay and copyright
  • false reviews
  • Misuse of the eBay account
  • eBay-Powerseller


On the following pages we will try to provide you with as much information as possible about the basics of eBay and law.

We also recommend the following pages on the subject of eBay and law: