The coronavirus is currently affecting us every day. The worldwide spread of the corona virus has led to extensive contact restrictions and a comprehensive economic lockdown (not only in Germany). The current situation and legal situation is constantly changing. Even if relaxations are currently being implemented, it is foreseeable that certain restrictions will continue to apply and every contact in practice carries the risk of infection.

On this overview page you can find all of our articles, FAQs and tips. If you have any specific questions, please call us for a free initial telephone assessment of your matter.

We try to provide you with up-to-date and understandable information about the most important legal aspects:

Gastronomie und Corona

The novel coronavirus poses huge problems, especially for the hotel and catering industry. Countless companies had to stop most, if not all, of their business. What assistance programs are there? What about short-time work benefits? What solutions and ideas are there from the crisis? Do companies have a right to compensation in the event of forced closures? We are one of the leading law firms in the area and are available to advise you in all areas.

We will inform you free of charge and without obligation by telephone on the following questions:

  • Ansprüche gegen den Bund wegen Betriebsschließung?
  • Bußgeld erhalten?
  • Wenn das Gesundheitsamt eine Schließung fordert, kann dann Kurzarbeitergeld beantragt werden.
  • Haben Corona erkrankte Mitarbeiter einen Anspruch auf Gehalt nach dem Entgeldfortzahlungsgesetz?
  • Was ist bei Quarantäne?
  • Greift bei einer Epidemie/Pandemie die höhere Gewalt und ist der Gast ist bei Stornierungen von seiner Zahlungspflicht befreit?
  • Was tun wenn ein Betrieb geschlossen wird und Ihre Versicherung die Zahlung verweigert?
  • Durch Corona überschuldet – wie rette ich den Betrieb?

You can find answers and further information by clicking on the respective question.

Betriebe und Corona


Did your company have to close due to Corona or did you have losses due to quarantine measures? Then you may be entitled to compensation claims against the federal government.

Short-time work:

In the event of a crisis, companies can, for example, apply for short-time work. First, a company must exhaust all other options to avoid short-time work (e.g. vacation, reduction in overtime, home office, etc.).

Tax relief:
In the event of economic difficulties due to the spread of the corona virus, companies can use various tax assistance offers from the tax offices, e.g.:

  • Herabsetzung oder Aussetzung laufender Vorauszahlungen zur Einkommensteuer bzw. Körperschaftsteuer auf Antrag (Anträge zur Anpassung der Gewerbesteuervorauszahlungen sind hingegen an das kommunale Steueramt zu richten)
  • Stundung fälliger Steuerzahlungen
  • Erlass von Säumniszuschlägen
  • Verzicht auf Vollstreckungsmaßnahmen

Arbeitgeber und Corona

Employers not only have to take the necessary protective measures for their employees in their own interest to maintain or resume business operations for as long as possible, they are also legally obliged to do so (Section 618 Paragraph 1 BGB, Section 3 Occupational Safety and Health Act /ArbSchG). Protection begins with comprehensive information about the risk of infection with the coronavirus and the correct hygienic behavior. In the worst case scenario, it stops with a company closure and a request for employees to stay at home.

All information for employers can be found here.