Investor protection law

The financial crisis has just shown how quickly you can lose supposedly safe investments. Effective investor protection from an investor protection lawyer is therefore more important than ever. In addition, real estate investment, which has long been considered a safe investment, has become and is becoming a debt trap for many.

The reasons for this are diverse. On the one hand, there is the consumer who has exceeded his financial limits for the desired object/product or who has not properly evaluated the risks associated with the investment in the hope of above-average returns. On the other hand, there are countless dubious, well-organized provider groups that false promises and embellished or completely untrue information find their victims. The models with which consumers are deprived of their assets and often their retirement security on the so-called gray capital market are not only inexhaustible, the procedures are also becoming increasingly perfidious.

In order to achieve their goal, the distributors often work with unscrupulous notaries and banks in which investors fundamentally trust, and in this way are able to completely circumvent the protection of their victims.

The damage caused by errors in advice or intentional wrong advice usually only becomes apparent after several years. The need for immediate action arises as soon as the investor is threatened with personal liability and often even personal insolvency. In this situation, the in-depth knowledge of a lawyer experienced in investor protection is required in order to be able to identify and implement the options for recovering the capital invested.

The aim of the work of the STEINWACHS law firm is regularly to place investors in the position as if they had never acquired their “investment” by reversing the underlying contracts and compensating for damages. To this end, our own research is carried out, as far as possible, the investigations of the public prosecutor’s offices, which are often already involved, are followed and supported, and contact is maintained with the relevant consumer protection associations and colleagues working on the same matter. In addition, the knowledge and evidence of other injured investors can ideally be drawn upon.

Particularly in the area of the sale of overpriced and so-called “junk properties”, there is a fear that the “rude awakening” for countless victims is still to come, despite thousands upon thousands of lawsuits that have already been filed.

Please also note our blog on the subject:

Responsible for the content of the page Attorney Investor Protection Law Hamburg Berlin Bremen: Attorney Stephan Steinwachs (Attorney Hamburg Berlin Bremen)